Category: Off-Grid

Solar farm in B.C. – country’s largest off-grid solar farm

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Anahim Lake project, said to be country’s largest off-grid solar farm, will greatly reduce reliance on diesel

Ulkatcho First Nation set to build largest off-grid solar power farm in Canada

2 days ago


A First Nation in Central B.C. is one step closer to having sustainable and clean energy. The Ulkatcho First Nation is set to build the largest off-grid solar power farm in Canada. CBC’s Janella Hamilton travelled to Anahim Lake to learn more about what the project means to the community.

A First Nation in central British Columbia says it will take a step toward “energy sovereignty” when it builds what officials say will be the largest off-grid solar farm in Canada.

Around 1,500 residents of Anahim Lake, home of the Ulkatcho First Nation, and surrounding small communities currently rely entirely on costly diesel for power.

“If we run out of diesel, then the lights go out. That’s it,” said Ulkatcho Elder Mary Williams.

But once built, the solar farm spanning about 12 hectares (30 acres) will supply up to 70 per cent of the electricity the communities need, according to Chief Lynda Price and B.C. Hydro.

“We believe that solar energy will be the source of our ability, for a lot of our families, to live off the grid,” Price told CBC News on Friday from Anahim Lake, which lies around 380 kilometres northwest of Vancouver in B.C.’s Chilcotin region.

“We’re really excited that this is the first stage of our solar power, and I believe our future generations will benefit.”

An empty field.
The solar farm will be built at the site of a former sawmill in Anahim Lake, and its construction and operation will employ many community members, including those who work at the diesel generator, according to B.C. Hydro CEO Chris O’Riley. (CBC News)

On Friday, the Ulkatcho Energy Corporation (UEC), which owns the project, signed a historic 20-year agreement with B.C. Hydro, promising that the public utility will purchase the energy created by the solar farm and integrate it into power lines and a storage system to serve the community.

The $30-million project — which is receiving $16 million in provincial and federal funding — is expected to produce enough electricity to power about 350 of the area’s 5,000 homes, according to B.C. Hydro.

That transition will reduce the community’s reliance on diesel by approximately 1.1 million litres — equivalent to approximately 3,300 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions — per year, B.C. Hydro CEO Chris O’Riley told CBC at the signing ceremony.

The provincial government has currently committed to reducing reliance on diesel for power by 80 per cent by 2030, and B.C. Hydro says Anahim Lake is one of 44 communities still dependent on the fuel.

“It’s important for people to understand how important this project is as part of our larger climate goals, as part of our reconciliation goals with First Nations,” O’Riley said. “And it really is a beacon for others.”

Security, self-determination

Ulkatcho First Nation elected councillor Corrine Cahoose says the solar farm is an important step for the nation’s economic, environmental and cultural self-determination.

“Our people are very resilient in our nation. We lived through all the colonization and the contact and smallpox and the residential schools, the missionaries,” said Cahoose.

An older woman smiles in a parking lot.
Corrine Cahoose, an Ulkatcho First Nation elected councillor, says the project is important from a practical perspective, but also for the nation’s economic, environmental and cultural self-determination. (CBC News)

“We’re all the knowledge keepers of the land. We know every mountain, we know every tree, we know every metal, we know all the animals, we know where they hang out,” she added.

“We have to be the stewards of that land. We have to protect in every way, and this project is one of the ways.”

Anahim Lake community members and experts say the transition to clean energy is also a practical decision.

Wildfires and icy roads often cause power outages, preventing truckloads of diesel from making it to the remote community before generators run out.

“On the whole, there’s very little drawback to actually putting in place these sorts of projects that again just add energy security and reduce costs for off-grid communities,” said Evan Pivnick, with Clean Energy Canada.

Construction at the site of the First Nation’s former sawmill is set to begin by August and the solar farm is projected to be operational by October 2025, according to the UEC.

The UEC, which is owned by the nation’s economic development corporation, will also feed revenue from the sale of solar power to B.C. Hydro into services, infrastructure, education and housing on the First Nation, according to Price and Cahoose.

“The revenue that’s going to come from this project will ensure that we continue to build a healthy future for our children,” said Cahoose.

WATCH | B.C. encourages First Nations to pitch new energy projects to meet growing demand: 

B.C. Hydro seeks pitches from operators for additional electricity supply

21 days ago


Colleen Giroux-Schmidt, Clean Energy B.C. board chair, tells BC Today host Michelle Eliot that B.C. Hydro is looking to acquire 3,000 gigawatt hours of electricity per year, which would add five per cent to its current supply.

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As we reflect on 2022, we’re proud of this achievement, but know there is much work to do to address the global water crisis. Our continued focus is critical in bringing clean energy and water to the billions of people who need it most.

Our GivePartners and the gracious support of thousands of other donors, big and small, make our work possible. In 2022, we grew our project deployments by 170%, building 45 new solar projects around the globe including 5 new Solar Water Farms in Kenya. Our 10 SWF’s now supply clean water for up to 200,000 people every day. We also completed 9 Solar Impact Projects in Colombia, Nepal, the DRC, Mexico, Botswana and Haiti. And on top of that, 293 volunteers were escorted on 31 life-changing treks to build projects in Colombia, Nepal and the Philippines.

Mwingi – Solar Water Farm Mobi+

Mwingi is a small town about 120 miles east of the capital city, Nirobi. A prolonged drought has made water access a nightmare, forcing residents to trek many kilometers in order to get clean, drinkable water. With the deployment of our new Mobi+, we’ll now provide up to 15,000 liters of clean water a day for this worthy community.

Mtongwe – Solar Water Farm Max

Mtongwe is an underprivileged coastal community in the Mombasa area. Though Mombasa is the country’s second largest city and home to one of Kenya’s two naval bases, many Mtongwe residents lack access to reliable power and fresh water. Situated a few kilometers away from our Likoni Max, the GivePower site teams will work together to maximize distribution in the area providing access to clean drinking water for up to 70,000 people a day.

Thank you to Titan Solar Power for fully funding the Mtongwe Max.

GivePower’s Solar Water Farm Max in Haiti Provided 240,000 Liters Of Clean Water to Those Suffering From a Deadly Cholera Outbreak

In the wake of paralyzing fuel shortages severely inhibiting the transport of clean water in Haiti, a deadly cholera outbreak was identified in October. Clean water was needed urgently on the mainland to contain the disease. Our existing Max on the island of La Gonave was uniquely positioned to help. GivePower received invaluable support from Amazon, which donated 20,000 reusable water bags, The United Nations Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS), which transported the bags, and Health Through Walls, which facilitated deliveries of water to over 12,000 of those most vulnerable to the disease. Over 240,000 liters of clean water were distributed over a 6-week period.

Thank you to Lyndon & Maddie Rive and Endless Network for their generous support of this life-saving effort.

Solar-Powered Recycling Center in Juanchaco, Colombia

EcoPazifico, a local non-profit that promotes recycling efforts in Colombia, has been working with the village of Juanchaco to develop a trash for cash program to help clean up the environment, improve livelihoods, and turn waste into a resource. In November, we were able to complete construction of a community-run, solar-powered recycling center and provided recycling machinery as well as a solar microgrid impacting over 1,400 people so far.

Thank you to Enfragen, MUFG Union Bank Foundation and the Glenfarne Group for making this project possible.

Solarizing Rural Boat Travel in Miramar, Colombia

In Miramar, families spend up to 60% of their income on fuel costs to get their children to school. In partnership with the Universidad de los Andes, GivePower provided solar power for school boat travel and sustainable transportation solutions for local fishermen. This significantly reduced the community’s reliance on diesel and in turn provided access to education without financial sacrifice. The project provided new boats with Torqeedo engines and solar-powered charging stations. Over 400 people’s lives were changed.

Thank you to Enfragen and the Glenfarne Group for making this project possible.

We are grateful for your support and partnership in making a positive impact in the lives of those who need our help the most. Our founding GivePartner, GoodLeap, funds 100% of our administrative costs. That means every additional dollar you give goes directly to a project in the field. With your donation to GivePower, together, we can continue to provide clean energy solutions around the world.

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What’s “Off-Grid Living”?

Off-grid living refers to the practice of living independently from the traditional power grid by generating one’s own electricity, water, and other necessities. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as solar power, wind power, hydropower, and even alternative energy solutions like biomass or geothermal.

One of the main benefits of off-grid living is the ability to be self-sufficient and not rely on the power grid or other public utilities. This can be especially appealing for those who live in remote or rural areas where access to the power grid is limited. Additionally, off-grid living can also be a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly lifestyle choice, as it reduces the dependence on fossil fuels and reduces the carbon footprint.

Off-Grid Solar System - Off-Grid Solar Kit | Unbound Solar

However, off-grid living also has its challenges. It can be costly to set up and maintain an off-grid system, and it requires a significant level of knowledge and expertise to install and maintain the system. Additionally, off-grid living often means living with limited resources and without the luxury of modern conveniences such as air conditioning, dishwashers, or other high-energy-consuming appliances.

In order to successfully live off-grid, it’s important to carefully plan and design the system. It’s also important to be aware of local regulations, as there may be legal restrictions or permit requirements for installing off-grid systems.

In conclusion, off-grid living is the practice of living independently from the traditional power grid by generating one’s own electricity, water, and other necessities. This can be achieved through a variety of methods such as solar power, wind power, hydropower, and alternative energy solutions. Living off-grid offers the benefits of self-sufficiency and sustainability but also comes with its own set of challenges like cost, maintenance, and limited resources. It is important to plan and design the system accordingly and be aware of local regulations.

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